Eric Garner, a New York City citizen, who was overweight and in poor health was claimed to be a nuisance to shop owners who complained about him selling untaxed cigarettes on the street. When police came to arrest him, he resisted. As Eric repeatedly said “I can’t breathe,” police law enforcement continued to apply force to stop him from resisting.
Garner could be heard saying, “I can’t breathe,” several times before he went motionless.
The medical examiner later found that a chokehold resulted in Garner’s death, but also that asthma, obesity and cardiovascular disease were contributing factors.
Not long after the incident a standby citizen uploaded a video showing the whole story and what happened.
According to the Huffington Post, “the video sparked accusations of excessive force, the police unions mounted a counter-narrative: that Garner would still be alive if he had obeyed orders, that his poor health was the main cause of his death.”
Many accusations of police brutality have been filed. Often times the non-police citizen is the victim. If you have been wrongfully accused or mistreated by law enforcement, contact the law offices of Alvin H. Broome and Associates today.